But today, February 20, is National Love Your Pet Day. We will be loving on Jimmy, our 8 pound poodle mix. We call him “Jackpot Jimmy” because he wandered up in our yard about nine years ago. He had been homeless for some time. His hair was matted, he was nasty smelling, and super scared. We checked with the pound and with several area vets, and no one came forward to claim him, so we adopted him. So after living life on the lam, he started living large. Now, he’s so spoiled that he is hooked on organic, fair trade glucosamine treats. Think about that- he went from drinking out of puddles and eating salamanders to being persnickety about his after breakfast snack. He has it made!
So whether you have a cat, dog, turtle, guinea pig, rabbit, bird, gecko or goldfish – show them some extra love today. Buy them a new toy or give them a special treat or (my personal favorite) – take them on a boat ride – Jimmy sure likes them.
While they are enjoying some special attention, you can enjoy the health benefits of stress relief and lower blood pressure.
Happy Love Your Pet Day!