Q: Do I need a survey when buying a Lake Martin waterfront home?
A: It all depends on the lot and the buyer’s situation, but I think every buyer should at least consider getting a survey. Remember, here at Lake Martin, obviously, you are here for the water. The land is often the most valuable part of the transaction. It is important to understand and identify the boundaries of land you are buying or selling.
Often, buyers here at Lake Martin ask me if a survey is required by law. The answer is no, in Alabama, a survey is not required in a real estate purchase. However, some lenders do require them. The buyer’s lender will be the best person to answer if a survey will be required.
There are many different types of surveys at Lake Martin or anywhere. I recommend that you talk to your surveyor and let him or her describe them all to you so you can make an educated decision on which type you would like. Some of my buyers simply want the corners marked – that is, just have stakes driven in the the ground.
If you need references for Lake Martin area engineers, surveyors, and septic contractors/installers, I will be glad to provide them.
If you have questions about Lake Martin real estate give me, John Coley, a call at 334-221-5862 or contact me here.