I am pleased to say that in the February 2010 issue of Lake Magazine – Lake Martin Edition, we received a nice mention.
I am really thankful to Kenneth Boone and Emily Gregg for the ink. We made the “Lake Martin News” section of the magazine, on the bottom of page 11, under the title “New Real Estate Agency Opens on Lake.”
If you haven’t already, please pick up a copy of February’s issue. Here are a few of the articles:
Drop Anchor – succinctly written and illustrated, tells you the how, when, and what of using anchors on Lake Martin, along with a rule of thumb so simple that I can remember it.
Soaring Socialites – an article about Cedar Waxwings. As I age I am becoming alarmingly out of the closet about my birdwatching. I try to tell myself it’s a manly pursuit of knowledge, not only for old ladies.
Passage Of Wine – Henry Foy urges passage of Alabama State laws that would be more friendly to fortified wine, and I raise my glass to the idea. However, as a friend and frequent customer, I hope Henry plans a follow up article on jerez, the rich types and uses of which he scantily describes as “used for cooking and sipping.” I know where he’s going with it, as most Americans identify sherry as something to buy in Winn-Dixie along with Worcestershire sauce. But you could say the same thing about Dom Perignon or, for that matter, the excellent Chimay I bought from him recently.