Lake Martin Agent Linda Shaffer on HGTV - Lake Martin Voice - Lake Martin Real Estate - Waterfront Homes, Lots, Property For Sale

Lake Martin Agent Linda Shaffer on HGTV

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In the flurry of activity around Lake Martin for Memorial Day, I realized I hadn’t posted anything about ReMax Around the Lake’s Linda Shaffer being on HGTV!

The Episode is called “All In The Family” and the link is here on HGTV. Click there for the latest but there is an upcoming airing on June 6 at 6:30pm ET / 5:30 PM CT.


Lake martin agent on HGTV lakefront bargain hunt

I posted it on my Facebook page but hadn’t said anything here. Linda was on an episode of Lakefront Bargain Hunt, just a week after Amy Clark was featured. It seems Lake Martin is having a real run of promotion by the network. I can’t blame them, Lake Martin is a great place.

Linda’s contact info is:

Linda Shaffer, GRI, ABR
REMAX Around the Lake
5295 Highway 280
Alexander City, AL 35010
Office Phone – 256 329-5253
Cell – 256 794-4641
shaffer @ lakemartin . net

I also can’t blame HGTV for selecting Linda. She is has been an outstanding agent for a long time and even better person for longer.  She lives in the same neighborhood as my parents. When I first started selling real estate in the Lake Martin area, one of the homes I was to show was Linda’s listing. She invited me by her house and gave me lots of words of encouragement about the industry. I will never forget it. Also, her husband also offered to let me borrow his truck anytime, just in case I ever need it! That’s the way they are.

The original episode aired on Mother’s Day, which was appropriate. The show featured Linda helping her daughter Lacey and Lacey’s husband John look for a home. Everyone came out looking great. Lacey, of course, is of Wickles Pickles fame, and John is a world traveling sculpture restorer for Robinson Iron. It had a happy ending and I thought they did a great job capturing Lake Martin in the fall!

I am so happy for Linda, and her entire family, as well as ReMax Around The Lake. A well deserved spotlight on some great people!

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