Michael with 36 lb. striper (photo courtesy of David Hare)
I usually take several a year and I love them. The lake always looks totally different when the sun goes down. There’s a lot less traffic, but obviously you have to be on guard when operating a boat at night.
I have even fished many a night, especially in the summer. Warm water temperatures means low oxygen, and that means fish go down deeper. When the sun goes down it sometimes gives them a chance to come in to shallower water and look for treats like hatching mayflies. Granted, these are smaller spotted bass and bream that venture up to sip the insects. You probably are not going to catch any of Lake Martin’s famed 20+ pound striped bass by delicately casting a size 14 parachute Adams.
There are lots of folks that fish at night during the summer for striped bass, and David Hare’s company, Alex City Guide Service, is the best of the best.
I always pay attention to David Hare’s fishing reports. David is the owner and head guide at Alex City Guide Service. Lately his (seemingly) unending pictures of nice stringers of striped bass has finally broken through my willpower. I can’t stand it anymore! I called David up and booked a boat for later this month. I have never been night fishing with him so I know my family and I are in for a treat.
If you would like to learn more about striped bass fishing on Lake Martin, please see his report for August below.
I also pay close attention to David’s Facebook page.
If you have any questions, please contact David directly at:
Alex City Guide Service
Captain David Hare
[email protected]
As of 7/11/17
Full Pool(491.00)
Surface Temp 88July was a pretty awesome month for night time striper fishing. With only a few nights being tuff we were able to limit out the majority of time plus land some nice trophies including a 36 and a 26 lber.
August fishing should continue to be good night time striper fishing. The water temps are going to be 90+ and the fish are going to be deeper this month than most any other month. I personally will be working in 100ft or deeper water looking for suspended fish in the 60-80 ft depths. I will also be expecting the best bite to be later in the night say 9pm or later, with good live bait, lots of patience will be the key to great catches.
August is also a good time for deep water trolling at daylight and dusk. I would try in the Ridge Marina area, the dam and Goat Island. For best results try using spoons, jigs and bug swim baits running them 40-60 ft deep.
Bream fishing is really good in August if you can stand the heat. You can limit out most any day at most any time. Try your luck in shaded pockets that are stacked with floating debris. Most any area of Lake Martin holds real nice bream.
Until next time – be safe, keep what you can eat and release the remainder for your next trip!Capt. David Hare