Here are some events happening at Lake Martin for August 2nd – August 8th. Enjoy your summer at the Lake!
- Augusts 2 Wine Tasting at Catherine’s Market from 5PM – 7PM
- August 2 Friday on the Green at Russell Crossroads with music from Ella Langley from 6:30PM – 8:30 PM
- August 2 – 3 Live music at Chuck’s from The Rachael Wilson Band on Friday. And on Saturday music from Todd Gantt and the Tone Deaf Hobos! Starts at 7:30PM both nights
- August 2 -3 Naturalist Marianne at Russell Crossroads, Friday 6:30PM to 8:30PM and Saturday 9AM to 1PM
- August 2-3 Live music at Copper’s Grill in StillWaters from the 7 Dollar Mule Band on Friday and Jamz Karaoke on Saturday. Both nights 7PM – 10PM
- August 3 Antique Car Cruise-In in the Arby’s parking lot in Alex City from 6PM – 9PM
- August 3 Farmers Market in Alexander City 7AM-11AM
- August 4 Music on the Deck at Kowaliga from Sid Phelps – 4:30PM – 7:30PM
- August 5 Docking Clinic for Pontoons at Blue Creek Marina. Four clinics offered between 9AM – 2:30PM
For a full list and more details see our free Lake Martin Voice app – the best way to keep up with Lake Martin events and an easy way to find the restaurants, shops and landmarks. Don’t miss any Lake Martin events – download our FREE APP here. Or go to your favorite app store and search “Lake Martin Voice.”
(Disclaimer – events are subject to change!)