Here are pictures of the exact locations for the anchor buoys to tie up your boat for the upcoming Alan Jackson concert at Aquapalooza 2009 at Lake Martin, Alabama.
When: July 25, 2009
Where: Here is a google map to Sinclair’s Restaurant on Lake Martin, Alabama. But please note you can’t get there by car. You can only boat up to this free concert. That’s why they will have all the anchors out. The nearest boat ramp is on the north west side of Kowaliga bridge – directly across from, and in plain view of, the stage on the south west side of Kowaliga (aka AL Highway 63) Bridge.
How Much: FREE
More info: My Alan Jackson Aquapalooza Lake Martin post has more info and links.
What else: Alan Jackson himself has said that they are filming for a TV show I think on CMT so – will you get discovered? Also there is supposed to be a dancing barge, and swimming area.