Trillium at Lake Martin
Trillium Neighborhood Information
Trillium on Lake Martin is a Russell Lands waterfront development with homes and lots for sale on the west side of the lake. The first homes in Trillium were built around 1989, making it a well established community of high-end homes on large, wooded lots.

History of Trillium Neighborhood on Lake Martin
Trillium on Lake Martin is a Russell Lands waterfront development with homes and lots for sale on the west side of the lake. The first homes in Trillium were built around 1989, making it a well established community of high-end homes on large, wooded lots. Trillium is always a popular spot for lakeside sight-seeing. If you’re new to the lake, or if you like to look at homes while you boat ride, Trillium’s a great development to ride by.
Another reason Trillium is popular on the boat tour scene is that it’s on a popular stretch of Lake Martin: the area between Kowaliga Marina and Real Island Marina. This is a major thoroughfare on the southwest part of the lake (also known as Little Kowaliga). To get there, just drive west under Kowaliga Bridge, pass Kowaliga Marina on your left, and the next subdivision to your left or west is Trillium.
Back in the heyday of “Russell cabins” Mrs. Edith Russell used to have a couple of cabins at the end of Pine Point. Apparently she was a fan of the trillium, a pretty, symbolic wildflower native to this part of Alabama. Hence the name of the subdivision and the names of many of its streets: Wake Robin, Nodding, Grandiflorium, Underwood, Catesby, and Narrowleaf.