Why is it so secret? Well, it doesn’t exactly have an e911 friendly address. In fact, the only way to really get there is to go by boat. So if you want to buy some good boiled peanuts, maybe a t-shirt, and hang out with your friends, you had better know before you go.
The easiest way to find Peanut Point, along with any other Lake Martin landmark, is to download my free app here: Lake Martin Voice app – or go to your app store and search for “Lake Martin Voice.” Once you do that, click the “Fun” link, then “Landmarks” and scroll to Peanut Point. Fire up the boat, and head out!
For those who are more comfortable with Google Maps, here is a Link: Peanut Point on Lake Martin
Still others might be old-school Lake Martin folks so much that they eschew smart phones and want verbal directions. OK. It is on Young’s Basin, right across from the west side of Woods Island. Drive slowly when you get close because there will be plenty of people hanging out and swimming, etc.
If you have never been, I highly recommend a trip to Peanut Point. Even if you are not a fan of boiled peanuts, it’s still a quintessential Lake Martin experience. Drive up, beach your boat on the sand, and relax!
Oh by the way, if you drive by any real estate that looks interesting, please call me or text me at the number at the top of this page. I am a full time real estate agent here at Lake Martin and I would love to help out.